Diana Hadchity Chedrawy Featured on MSN

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Diana Hadchity Chedrawy was featured in an article on MSN Indonesia in the lifestyle (Home and Garden) category. Entitled " Here's the difference between the extrovert and introvert when designing a favorite space”.

MSN is one of the largest portals on the Web today offering the hottest articles in news, sports, entertainment, finance, weather, travel, health, and lifestyle. It receives billions page views per month. It has various international versions of its portal for dozens of countries around the world.

Lamp and vase on a table .

The article highlights the difference between the tastes of extroverts and introverts in choosing décor items for a design space based on their personality.

You can read the full article by visiting www.msn.com/id-id.

For more design and home décor tips visit the interior design section of our site.



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