Fall Home Maintenance Tips

House with leafs on ground in fall.

Fall home maintenance is important for preparing your home for the cold and snowy winter season. Maintenance and repairs during the fall will help protect your home all year around.

Here are some fall home maintenance tips to get your home ready for winter:

  • Inspect your roof for any curled up, missing, or damaged shingles. Replace any damaged shingles to avoid expensive to repair leakage problems during the fall and winter.
  • Inspect the exterior walls of your home for any needed maintenance or repairs. Repair any damaged wood shingles, vinyl siding, and repaint any areas that need to be repainted. Maintaining the exterior of your home will protect your home from mildew, rot, and mold buildup. 

Painter painting a house.

  • Have your chimney inspected and cleaned by certified chimney professional each fall. Cracks in your chimney's liner could lead to smoke entering your home, and creosote buildup inside your chimney could cause a fire in your home.
  • Check the foundation of your home for any cracks and repair where needed.
  • Check your attic to make sure it is well insulated. Adding attic Insulation is one of he easiest ways to reduce your energy bills during the cold winter and hot summer.
  • Make sure your attic stays properly ventilated by cleaning any dirt and debris from your attic air vents. A properly ventilated attic will prevent moisture buildup, wood rot, and damage to your roof.

Caulking a window.

  • Check the caulking around your windows and doors. Seal any gaps to reduce air leakage. Reducing air leakage from windows and doors will decrease your energy bills during the winter.
  • Check weather striping around your windows and doors for wear or damage. Replace where needed.
  • Keep your home heating system operating efficiently throughout the fall and winter by having it inspected, cleaned, and serviced by a certified home heating specialist. 

  • Clean or replace your home heating system air filters. 
  • Trim any tree branches that are close to or are touching the exterior of your home to prevent damage to your home from wind, snow, and ice buildup during the fall and winter.
  • Rake and remove the leaves on your lawn or turn them into mulch with a mulching lawnmower.   
  • Turn off water valves going to your home’s exterior faucets. Drain exterior faucets of any remaining water to prevent freezing during the winter.

Batter powered fire detector.

  • Replace the batteries in all carbon monoxide and fire detectors in your home each fall. Test carbon monoxide and fire detectors to make sure they are operating properly.
  • Check the pressure gauge on all fire extinguishers in your home to make sure the extinguishers are still charged and the needle on the gauge is in the green area.
  • Remove debris and leaves from gutters and downspouts. Check drainage areas around the exterior of your home to make sure there are no blockages and water will drain properly away from your home.

Fire extinguisher gauge.

  • Check your driveway for any cracks and patch and seal where needed. A well maintained driveway will make snow clearing easier during the winter.  
  • Clean your garden tools and gas lawn mower and store them. Drain any fuel and engine oil left in your lawn mower before storing it.

Leafs in gutter.

  • Check all handrails, steps, and walkways around your home for damage. Repair where needed to prevent slipping during wet and icy weather in the fall and winter. 
  • Check and tune up the snow blower if you own one to make sure it is ready to be used in the winter. 

Follow the fall maintenance tips in this article to get your home ready for the cold winter season, to keep your home well maintained, and to prevent costly home repairs in the future.



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